Saturday 1 February 2020

The Cheese & Chutney Affair

If you're surprised by the title, let me tell you, so am I. A few months back, I never thought I would write a rom-com. No, my friends, I am not talking about romance. I am talking about romantic comedy, where one has laugh-out-loud moments! And then came my friend, D.R.Downer, who suggested we co-write a book. In his own words - "DJ, you write the 'rom' parts and I shall write the 'com' parts."

I don't know who wrote which, and who drove who mad, but the resulting book is almost here, just one step away from you. Releasing this Valentine's day, I present to you my fifth book that I've also co-written with the awesome D.R.Downer, 'The Cheese & Chutney Affair.'

If you thought romance is age-bound, and it's always butterflies and hearts at the sight of the other person, you couldn't be more wrong. C&C, as I'd like to call my latest, is the story of a bold and spunky South Indian girl and a proverbial, womanizing, Italian stud. Ah! Now the title makes sense, isn't it? But, the story doesn't stop with them. We have also thrown in a charming dad who'd kill any man who even looks at his daughter, and an adorable aunt who loves her son to the point of being possessive.

With such a combustible mix, will fireworks erupt sooner than later? Well, you gotto tell me that after reading this rom-com. C&C is available in Amazon Kindle now!

If this wasn't exciting enough, we have a giveaway planned with the release. Check out this link to participate in this giveaway!

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