Tuesday 9 July 2019

Why Romance?

I loves books - form, size, shape, color, and genre no bar. But, having said that, I am a little more partial to romance. There, I said it!

Even after the Fifty Shades trilogy became a sensation, there are many of us who are hesitant accept we read and like - no scratch that - love romance, erotica, or whatever we'd like to call it. For various reasons, this genre has been frowned upon, named as smut, even touted as frivolous and unrealistic. But, let's face it, there has been, is, and will always be a huge readership and fan following for that cute couple or for that hot, alpha man.

After storming through the various Enid Blyton series, comics, teen fiction among other books, when I happened to read a Mills & Boon for the first time, it almost felt like I rediscovered books. If you've had a similar experience, you will know what I am talking about! So, without further ado, let me get candid about my romance addiction!

Whatever be the reality and however tragic one's life is, we know these sweet, little books are always going to end in happiness. We all like loose ends tied up, often unconsciously wanting to experience the comfort that these books bring. I confess, I am no different. What better way to experience that feel-good factor than reading a book that screams mushy?

As human beings, and women in particular, many a time we are body-shamed. Many, if not most, have body image issues. A brilliant lawyer or a successful entrepreneur, as women we often judge ourselves just because we don't have those perfect abs, or those toned legs. There are times when even the strongest woman wants validation - she needs to know that she matters, that she is the world for someone. Again, I am no different. When I read about women who are different, women who are (supposedly) flawed - chasing their dreams, settling for nothing less than perfect, it gives me hope! Hope that we can do better as women; much, much better.

Talk about those butterflies in your stomach, that first kiss, the perfect date. Don't we all want that? I for one sure do! And, I experience it as a reader every time I devour those sweet nothings. You see why I like romance?

But, as I began to experience life, I also started to notice the not-so-great things about it. People are always not nice, fairness and justice are not default, we always don't get or end up with what we want. In this era of virtual reality and social media, hate and negativity spreads at a rate that's faster than light. Even as I live through another day, just as I'm tempted to lose myself in cynicism, I am pulled back by another cute, little love story; and, my lips lift up to form a smile. Maybe there's still some love left in this world, after all!

As I breeze through the pages of another story of boy meets girl, I realize we may not always have perfect, but we can have a glimpse of our own, imaginary heaven through yet another story where they lived happily ever after...

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